
なんとパスワードも。ChromeとEdge、スペルチェック時に入力データが外部送信される仕組みに注意【やじうまWatch】 - INTERNET Watch

How to disable the Enhanced Spell Checker in Chrome

  1. Load chrome://settings/languages in the browser's address bar or go to Menu > Settings > Languages.
  2. Locate the Spell Check group of preferences on the page.
  3. Make sure that "Basic spell check" is enabled, or that "Check for spelling errors when you type text on web pages" is turned off completely.

How to disable the Microsoft Editor in Microsoft Edge

  1. Load edge://settings/languages in the Microsoft Edge address bar, or go to Menu > Settings > Languages.
  2. Locate the "use write assistance" group of options on the page.
  3. Make sure that Basic is selected, or that "use writing assistance" is turned off entirely.

引用元:Don't use Chrome's and Edge's Enhanced Spellcheck features - gHacks Tech News